
The marriage of the decade! No... the Century! Well, however great this union will be, it is good to know we have our modesty. ;)

How We Met
He looked at me across the room, our eyes met, and then... and then... why can't I remember? Oh, I know. Because that's not AT ALL how it happened! After corresponding for several weeks online, we met at the Boathouse in Belmar. Not having planned our first meeting ahead of time, I (Lexy) brought no make-up, no cute outfits, and certainly no hair products. I had wanted to just spend a day on the beach! Instead I find myself pinching my cheeks and walking the dog one last time. After meeting at the Boathouse, we talked there for hours and hours, as if old friends. If Rob tells the story, I did a lot of hitting and insulting of his family. But he kept laughing, so either way it's all good. After that, Rob became an avid fan of the drive between Piscataway and Philadelphia. And I did a tolerable job at playing an avid Phillies fan while he took me to dozens of games. (One weekend we did 3 games in two days!)
Why We Kept Dating
Our families told each of us that if we stopped dating the other person, they'd still invite them over for dinner and holidays. So, we figured it was easier to just put up with each other. Besides, let's face it... we can dress up any party.
More pictures can be found on Facebook from our Engagement Session - go to Katrina Brown 2011 Engagement Pictures to scroll through them! (Note: these pictures include people who are NOT Rob and I, so please don't comment on someone else's bad poses and unnatural smile! haha)

Please enjoy our Miscellaneous Count Down Pictures to celebrate various events and gatherings as we get ready for our big day!

After viewing this picture, you can see we're perfect for each other.
 Courtesy of DSU Annual Fundraising Dinner - and where Rob "met" THE BAND!

Memorial Day 2011 in Bridgeport ... with the Guenthers!!

Thank you Mom for a fantastic shower!! Hot mammas!

Slamming Bridal Party Hosts for the Lansdale Shower - You rock, ladies!

Coglianese Cousins are the Coolest (and they can alliterate).

My second 29th was celebrated with a bang... ok, maybe it was just several cocktails at a swanky restaurant!